First-Year Direct Admit

Direct Admission: What does it mean?

It means you’re in.

Congratulations! 网易彩票app很高兴你被邀请加入网易彩票app网易彩票下载社区! 斯坦福大学莉迪亚·格林护理项目的入学竞争非常激烈. 你直接被护理专业录取的offer确保了你在这个项目中有一个预留的席位, 只要符合资格要求,你就可以绕过传统的竞争申请程序.

The SPU advantage

网易彩票下载以培养学生的能力和品格而闻名, 以及提供强大的学术和以基督教信仰和价值观为基础的以关系为中心的学习. 网易彩票下载的BSN毕业生是当今最受欢迎的从业者之一, 熟练地准备迎接各自领域的挑战,为社区服务.

Here, 你会发现教职员工致力于为你在专业社区的成功做好准备. This means that personal, 个人关注将是你学术经历的重要组成部分. What’s more, SPU faculty members bring real-world experience to your program, making coursework stimulating and clinically relevant.

你将成为促进深度学习和增进师生关系的团队的一员. 专业护理是建立在与病人、家庭、同伴和导师的关系基础上的. 小班授课将帮助你更好地了解你的老师,让他们了解你和你是如何学习的.

健康科学学院有自己的护理专业大楼. The newly redesigned building offers flexible learning spaces, with four 40-person classrooms, two seminar rooms, faculty offices, and a Clinical Learning Lab. 新的实验室提供了逼真的空间,你可以在这里学习和练习使用类似于你在实际医院和诊所环境中看到的设备.

The Details

你的直接录取录取取决于你在西雅图州立大学的全日制出勤率,并持续保持2分.85 GPA in the nine nursing-specific pre-requisites (for courses taken at SPU); or a cumulative GPA of 3.所有转学预修课程达到5分,并保持SPU总累积GPA为2分.0 to remain in good standing with the University. 所有先决条件必须以“C”(2)的最低成绩完成.0 on a 4.0 scale) to be considered successfully completed. In addition, 因成绩低于2分,任何必修课程的重修不得超过两次.0 (C- or lower).


☐ General Chemistry CHEM 1310 (5)

☐ Biological Chemistry CHEM 1360 (5)

☐ Human Nutrition FCS 3340 (5)

☐ Human Anatomy & Physiology BIO 2129 (5)

☐ Human Anatomy & Physiology BIO 2130 (5)

☐ General Microbiology BIO 3351 (5)

☐ General Psychology PSY 1180 (5)

☐ Lifespan Developmental Psych PSY 2470 (5)

☐ Statistics: MAT 2360 or MAT 1300 (5)


When do I start?

You will be admitted to the Nursing program as a part of a cohort. 网易彩票app每年招收学生两次,分别在秋季和冬季. 你什么时候开始上课取决于你什么时候修完你的预科课程.

大多数学生在SPU的前六个季度完成了他们的先决条件课程. 如果你已经完成了至少四门必修课程,并且在春季学期结束前完成了必修课程, you can be considered for an Autumn or Winter start. 西雅图州立大学的学生被随机分配到秋季组或冬季组. 您可以自行选择进入冬季开始,但不能进入秋季开始. 

Recap the details

Eligibility requirements

  • 连续在网易彩票下载全日制学习,并持续保持网易彩票下载总累积GPA为2分.0 to remain in good standing with the University
  • Maintain at all times minimum 2.SPU必修课程GPA 85,单科成绩均不低于2分.0.
  • 成绩在2分以下者,不得重修任何一门必修课程超过两次.0.
  • Entry into the Autumn or Winter cohorts is random placement.

Completion of prerequisite coursework

Autumn or Winter Quarter cohort start:
All 9 courses should be completed by the end of Spring Quarter. 如果转换学分,成绩单必须在6月30日之前提交给SPU.

Frequently asked questions

Will a Winter Quarter admission affect financial aid?

因为每个学生的经济援助都是独一无二的, we recommend you consult with Student Financial Services.


  • Get a head start and take UCOR 3000 and/or UFDN 3100
    在开始护理计划之前完成这些通识教育课程,可以为你的工作腾出时间, elective coursework, or other activities.
  • Take classes toward a minor
    许多学生辅修心理学、传播学、信息学或生物伦理学. Each is a great complement to nursing.
  • Study abroad
  • 参加补充课程,以受益并加深对项目的理解
    Take time to look though the time schedule. 许多有趣的课程可能与你毕业后要做的工作有关, like sociology, psychology, health & fitness, and especially art and music.
  • Get an internship
  • Take up a hobby
    学习一项新技能或养成一种习惯,这会给你带来快乐和平衡. We all can use a little time to invest in ourselves.
  • Take a quarter off


Join NAPS, the Nursing and Pre-Nursing club at SPU, sponsored by Associated Students of Seattle Pacific (ASSP). Meetings are one or two times a month, 专注于形成一个未来护士的社区,帮助彼此实现以BSN毕业的共同目标.


  •  Volunteer opportunities
  •  Learning more about the nursing role from alumni
  •  Learning what the program is like, from current students
  •  Community charitable event sponsorships
  •  Camaraderie with Nursing and Pre-Nursing students

COVID-19 Best Practices

虽然SPU确实为一般学生提供医疗和宗教医疗豁免, the nursing program does require the most recent COVID-19 vaccine recommendations.